
  • 4 Lessons

    Changing Climates: 11-12

    Grade 11-12. Lessons will examine some of human activities which led to global warming, exploring the cause and effect of climate change and focusing on environmental effects. Students will explore the impact of climate change on human and non-human communities, developing critical thinking and empathy whilst discussing the politics and emotions of climate change, helping move from anxiety to empowerment.

  • 4 Lessons

    Changing Climates: 7-8

    Grade 7-8. Lessons will engage in the science and emotions of climate change allowing students to understand cause and effect and the effects of human activities on the environment. They will explore the impacts of climate change on human and non-human communities, developing critical thinking and building empathy whilst exploring individual and collective actions to inspire positive change.

  • 4 Lessons

    Changing Climates: 9-10

    Grade 9-10. Lessons will explore the cause and effect of climate change, focusing on the effects of particular human activities on the environment. Students will explore the impacts of climate change on human and non-human communities, developing critical thinking and building empathy whilst engaging in individual and collective actions to inspire positive change and move from anxiety to empowerment

  • 4 Lessons

    Exploring the Issue at Greater Depth

    Module 3 of 6. The purpose of this module is for students to explore in greater depth the design problem that interests them. Continue to encourage students to avoid thinking of solutions - that will happen in the next module. For now, they are looking at various aspects and angles of the problem itself to form a better understanding of the problem and to develop empathy for people who are affected by it. Students participate in various activities and conduct research to better understand the problem, to gain insights and build empathy with stakeholders, and to investigate existing design solutions.
  • 3 Lessons

    Food for the Future

    This module, allows students to explore where their food comes from. Students learn the history of agriculture, how humans have fed themselves over the last few thousand years and discover that agriculture has changed dramatically in the last 50 years. Students then learn how something very small - a seed - is very important and why they need to store seeds. Finally - the module ends off with learners exploring the concept of food security and look at some of the causes of food insecurity.

  • 3 Lessons

    Getting Around

    In this module, students cover traditional fossil-fuel-powered vehicles and then start reviewing the most common alternative vehicles. Students then explore how transportation systems have evolved as human populations have transitioned from most people living in rural areas to more people living in urban areas. 

  • 3 Lessons

    Grade 5-6: Waste & Energy

    This module combines two related topics - Waste and Energy, to explore the relationship that they have with each other and subsequently, the impact that they pose to our environment and society. Learners in this module will engage with both challenges and solutions related to waste, whilst narrowing in on some of the more hazardous types of waste. 

  • 3 Lessons

    Grade 7-8: Imagine Zero Waste

    This is one of the more exciting modules that practically engage the learners throughout. Starting with a zero-waste campaign, the learners gain a sense of awareness and passion for educating the community around key aspects of waste challenges. Learners then conduct a personal waste audit, enlightening them to their own waste consumption and management. 

  • 1 Lesson

    Green Spaces

    This one-lesson module deals with an ever-evolving and exciting topic - Sustainable Urban Planning & Green Cities. This will be a prevailing topic in years to come as cities grapple with the large challenges associated with human impact. More so than ever, we are required to develop innovative solutions for large scale urban challenges.

  • 3 Lessons

    My Carbon Footprint

    In this module, students examine their energy habits and choices in terms of a "carbon footprint". Students start to understand how their individual actions impact the global environment. Students then start learning about alternative energy resources that are appropriate for their community.

  • 3 Lessons

    My Foodprint

    This module, students learn how biotechnology has led to advancements in agricultural science and explore the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMO's). Students keep exploring where their food is produced and how their food choices impact the environment. The modules concludes with a focus on how to transition into a healthier, sustainable food diet.


  • 4 Lessons

    School Food Audit

    In this module, students explore and analyze ways to improve school food systems. Students are put to the test when gathering and compiling data and have to present findings to the class and get their audit evaluated by peers and teachers. Students then practice their communication skills by presenting their data in interesting, relevant, and visually appealing ways.

  • 4 Lessons

    School Public Spaces Audit

    This unique module sees its participants completing a public spaces audit of their school. This challenging idea sparks the creative side of the learners by immersing them in the topics of spatial design, design thinking and sustainable intelligence. 

    This module enlightens us as to how effective our spaces actually are/aren't. 

  • 4 Lessons

    School Transport Audit

    This four-lesson module inspires learners on what a 'green school' might look like and helps generate ideas on how they can implement strategies to reduce their campus footprint by improving campus transportation. 

  • 4 Lessons

    School Waste Audit

    As part of the Eco-audit packages, this module actively involves the learners in school life by challenging them with a school waste audit, a relevant and applicable project that engages your learners in many subjects and topics. 
    This module will bring relevancy and application to your school environment whilst making the learners an active component of the process. 
    By the end of this module, your learner swill be able to give well-thought out and researched recommendations to school management regarding the manner in which waste is management on campus. 

  • 4 Lessons

    School Water Eco-Audit

    This module challenges the learners to conduct a School Water Eco-Audit. This process involves a scientific approach to collecting, analysing and presenting key data and recommendations to school management with the challenge of better managing the school's water consumption. 
    Relevant and exciting, this project poses just the challenge needed for future generations. 

  • 4 Lessons

    Sustainable Eating

    This module goes into depth on what exactly is food, and what are some of the different reasons we value it. Students learn different farming practices, how sustainable they are and what some of the possible solutions are for food-related challenges.

  • 3 Lessons

    What’s Up

    Air is the most abundant available resource to us. But how much do we really understand about the finite balance and impact that it holds on the health of the ecosystem and ourselves? 
    This module explores Air Quality and the types of gases that make up the air that we breathe. 

Zero Waste Toolkit 1-page Brochure