Changing Climates: 9-10

Grade 9-10. Lessons will explore the cause and effect of climate change, focusing on the effects of particular human activities on…

Changing Climates: 7-8

Grade 7-8. Lessons will engage in the science and emotions of climate change allowing students to understand cause and effect and …

Changing Climates: 11-12

Grade 11-12. Lessons will examine some of human activities which led to global warming, exploring the cause and effect of climate …

Changing Climates: 3-4

Grade 3-4. Lessons will introduce simple ideas surrounding the cause & effect of climate change to allow pupils to develop a basic understandin…

A Breath of Fresh Air

Learners apply their knowledge to design a living, hanging green wall. Through this project, learners gain a deeper understanding of air quality, a…

What’s Up

Air is the most abundant available resource to us. But how much do we really understand about the finite balance and impact that it holds on the he…

Energy is Everywhere

The sources of energy that we rely on will one day run dry. This hard fact will have to force us to seek alternative sources of energy for the dail…

Zero Waste Toolkit 1-page Brochure