My Carbon Footprint

In this module, students examine their energy habits and choices in terms of a "carbon footprint". Students start to understand how their individua…

Me, You and Water

A relevant and personal learning journey focusing on our own water consumption and associated impacts on the environment. Learners undergo a person…

Impact of Energy

In this module, students learn about energy and why it is important to us. Students then unpack the different energy resources and learn the challe…

Grade 7-8: Imagine Zero Waste

This is one of the more exciting modules that practically engage the learners throughout. Starting with a zero-waste campaign, the learners gain a …

How Did I Get Here?

This module looks at transport and assesses the alternatives that we have available to us in an urban environment. It will challenge learners to re…

A Breath of Fresh Air

Learners apply their knowledge to design a living, hanging green wall. Through this project, learners gain a deeper understanding of air quality, a…

Great Spaces

This module challenges the young learners to rethink about public spaces and what function they set out to serve in a community. Furthermore, learn…

Getting Around

In this module, students cover traditional fossil-fuel-powered vehicles and then start reviewing the most common alternative vehicles. Students the…

Zero Waste Toolkit 1-page Brochure